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?   How Do I? 

Last Updated: Feb 13, 2023     Views: 610

If you're trying to get an article from a journal to which Treadwell doesn't subscribe, you can Ask Us! and we'll check to see if it's available from Harvard. Alternatively, if you have Harvard access, you can check for yourself if you prefer.

If the article is not available from either Treadwell or Harvard, you can have us order it via interlibrary loan. Cost is $13 per article and can be charged to your MGH department's business unit/grant number or to a credit card.

To pay by credit card (VISA or MasterCard), select the credit card option on the order form (linked above), but DO NOT send us your credit card information. We will contact you for your information before delivering your document. 

If you're unable to find your answer in our FAQs, please Ask Us!