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?   How Do I? 

Last Updated: Dec 17, 2020     Views: 1720

To maximize full text access, be sure you are accessing PubMed via the eTreadwell site.

From your PubMed search results, click Display Options below the right side of the search box, then select Abstract to display the entire page in abstract view. All article abstracts will display the  icon. Click on the icon to check for full text availability. 

The icon will either take you directly to the full text on the provider's site or, in some cases, will show you options for obtaining full text. One common case is, when Treadwell Library doesn't subscribe, you will see the Request Article or Book Chapter link. Clicking on this link will auto-fill the citation information into an order form where you'll have to enter your personal and payment information to obtain access. 

If you wish to double-check our access or see our holdings for the journal in question, go to the eTreadwell home page and click eJournals & eBooks to search for the journal by title.

For more information, see our tutorial on finding full text articles from your PubMed search.

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