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Last Updated: Dec 17, 2020     Views: 656

If you have a PMID (an 8-digit unique identifier), simply copy and paste or type it into the PubMed search box. 

If you don't have a PMID, try copying and pasting or typing the title of the article into the PubMed search box. 

In some circumstances, such as when the article title is too general or isn't entered exactly as it's indexed in PubMed, the Single Citation Matcher (found under Find in the area under the seach box of the PubMed home page) is the best way to find an exact match for an article. 

Using the Single Citation Matcher (see screen shot below), enter whatever information you have about the article you're looking for (Journal Name, Volume and Page will usually suffice; otherwise, Date, Author name and Title words can be helpful), and click Search. 

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