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Last Updated: Jul 27, 2021     Views: 788

This "bookmarklet" allows a patron who comes across an article they want while not connected to the proxy server to instantly find out if the full text is available from eTreadwell.

  1. Copy the following line of code to your clipboard: 

  2. Create a bookmark in your browser's toolbar (in most browsers, this is as simple as right-clicking the bookmarks toolbar and selecting "Add page" or "New Bookmark") and paste the above code into the URL field.
  3. In the name field, add a name that makes sense to you. For example, "via EZProxy" or "Check eTreadwell F-T."
  4. After that, if you're at a non-proxied page for an article you want to get, click the bookmarklet to see if you can get it.

If the bookmarklet doesn't work for a particular article, it likely means either we don't subscribe or you might be trying to access the journal from a different source than eTreadwell's subscription. In those cases, to be certain we don't subscribe, you'll need to look up the journal title on our eJournals pages. 

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